How to Choose a Good Espresso Coffee

When selecting espresso coffee, start with the bean type. Espresso typically works best with a blend of Arabica and Robusta beans, as they offer a balance of flavor, body, and crema. Arabica provides sweetness, acidity, and complex flavors, while Robusta adds depth, bitterness, and the rich crema essential for a good shot. If you prefer a smoother and more nuanced espresso, go for 100% Arabica, while a blend with some Robusta can give you more punch and crema.

Pay close attention to the roast level. Espresso roasts are usually darker to enhance the bold and intense flavors that stand out in a small, concentrated shot. Medium-dark to dark roasts are most common, as they highlight the rich chocolate, caramel, and nutty flavors typically desired in espresso. However, don’t confuse “dark” with “burnt.” A quality roast will preserve the bean’s natural flavors while offering depth and balance.

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